My New Glasses

Happy Thursday guys! It is still hot and steamy here in N.Y.C. I am definitely not a summer person as it is, but I hate when it just keeps dragging on in September. I guess I wouldn't mind it as much if I could open a window at least. It is so humid though. :(.
I went to pick up my new glasses yesterday at Metro Optics in Throggs Neck. I can't say enough about them. They are so sweet. Kind. Understanding. Not pushy at all! Everyone I dealt with was nicer than the last. The lady sat me down and explained to me when and where I would wear my glasses. For me it's not really if I can't see something. It's more of a blurry issue. When I wear the glasses they just make everything seem 10X's clearer. More vibrant. No blur at all. I am supposed to wear them while on the computer. Reading. If I am on my phone a while. Definitely distance. If my eyes feel tired. Also at night or when it starts getting dark out. That's when things were most blurry for me. They feel great. I don't even feel like I have to adjust at all to them. I also found a specialist I called to go to next Thursday to double check my eyes. I hope I get in. These eye specialists have very minor hours :(. I'm sure the day of I will be nervous. I will try to stay as calm as I can as the other eye doctors said not to worry. I talked to my dear friend from work and she advised me also not to be upset. The doctor actually told her the same thing. She has a astigmatism like me. They said you just have to make sure to go once a year. I felt like a weight was lifted off.
I have been on a major health kick lately. I am working out all the time, counting my calories and steps. I just feel great. I purchased some more vitamins last night at Trader Joe (Eye formula & super greens powder) as well as my weekly shopping. I am very proud of myself. Today I did a few minutes of jogging. Abs. Squats. Then proceeded to my usual 60 minute cardio workout. Made myself my favorite egg and turkey bacon protein breakfast with coffee. Here I am working. How do you guys stay fit? What are some good protein packed breakfasts you eat after a workout? I'm always looking for new recipes.

Hope you all have a wonderful day. I will be catching up on a lot of work. Blogging. Oh and more coffee but of course ;)

Signing off a "Clear Eyed" Coffee Diva :)


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