Cottonelle Flushable Cleansing Cloths Review

Happy First day of September all!I hope this month brings positive opportunities. Good health. Love. Great coffee. And everything your heart desires for this month. Sorry for the few days absence. I had a bit of a health scare you can say over the weekend. I went to get a routine eye exam on Saturday with my husband. Me and my husband will both have to wear glasses. He was definitely more blind than me lol. I will just be wearing mine for distance and on the computer when they start bothering me. The doctor did inform me that I had slight pressure in my eyes and wanted me to see a specialist just in case. I naturally freaked out and started crying. I've never had an issue with my eyes or "pressure". One of the owners/doctors came over to calm me down. She was so nice and understanding and explained to me what the doctor did in a more compassionate way. She said my vision was still great and they just check things out now so god for bid in the future there will never be an issue. I felt much better after that. That doctor scared me. All I heard was "glaucoma" and "lose your sight" and I felt like I was in a fog. Turns out my dad has the same problem. Even down to the same eye. It's hereditary as are most health issues. Which kind of makes me mad because it's not something you have control over. Then again that is life right. I will keep you guys posted after my visit with the specialist. That will be a whole other issue finding someone in my insurance network. I am looking forward to getting my new glasses. My husband is like a little kid waiting for them lol. The doctors said he should have gotten them checked years ago! That's men for you.

I am a member of Crowdtap and the month of August I received a free mission from Cottonelle. They sent me a few packs of their flushable cleansing cloths. I know bathroom talk isn't something I normally do. Truth is, we all go to the bathroom. Having something as effective as the flushable cloths are helpful. I love using them at home. They get the job done. They clean you well. No residue. I also love bringing a pack with me. You never know when you are out and that bathroom you go into doesn't have anymore toilet paper. When you have a "not so fresh" feeling. There are so many different ways these cloths come in handy. Especially the summer time! I would give them 3 coffee cups out of 5. I'd give a higher review if the scent was better. Which I wasn't a fan of. Other than that I recommend for busy women and moms.

I am trying to still keep my busy routine and not think too much into things. I do from time to time, but I know everything will be fine and I'm most likely over reacting as the doctor told me. I am going to be rummaging through my fall items. See what I have. What I need to get the apartment ready for the fall season. I'm changing the sheets in the bedroom and the kitchen products as well. It's very hot here so I will try and get a work out in later.

Signing off a "Scared but clean" Coffee Diva


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