
Showing posts from July, 2020

Bedroom Updates

Good afternoon my friends! I hope you all had a happy and safe 4th of July. My husband had off since Friday. We didn’t do anything since he had to go to the dentist. Also, COVID. I’m not really about to start traveling again to be honest. I still don’t feel 100% about it. Baby steps right?  We just stayed home and did some projects. It was very relaxing. We slept in. Cooked. Played games. It was just what we needed.  Me and my husband are Aries. Our energies seem to be the same most of the time. We can either be up at 7am and be “morning people”. Or we are up at 3 am doing projects lol. Last night was one of those nights. My local TJ-Maxx opened. My husband dropped by to exchange something. He was sweet enough to pick up two paintings he thought I would like. We decided to put them up with a shelf I had laying around for two years now! I couldn’t figure out where to put it! I originally wanted the shelf up in the kitchen or bathroom. I could not put it up in those two areas. Mostly bec