Trader Joe/Keurig/ T.J Maxx Haul

Hey guys. I drank way too much last night. No comments other than apparently I can't drink! I'm a lightweight. So here I am on Saturday bored. I'm cleaning out my pictures on my phone while I rest. I am supposed to be doing "back to fall shopping" tomorrow so we will see if grandma can be healthy by then :( lol
Here is my Trader Joe haul from the week. I found a nice one 20mins from where I live in the Bronx. This is where I will be doing my weekly food shopping.  Everything is healthy. Organic. As well as so affordable. I love Trader 😍.
I'm also including a pic from the Keurig hot chocolate haul I did last week. And my T.J maxx haul from last night.

So what is everyone up to this weekend?

Signing off a "hungover" coffee diva


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