Post Weekend Ikea Haul

Good late morning readers!The past two days the heat and hormones have had me so tired and lazy. I guess all of the work I did on the weekend caught up to me as well. It was a lot. All day. Very physical. All the walking for 5 hours. Then the building of the items. Also a trip to homegoods on Sunday.
Saturday was a successful trip. For many reasons. First one was, us not getting lost in New Jersey which happens a lot lol. (I hate driving in New Jersey). It was a little crowded but we got out just in time. There was however almost a complete meltdown. As we were heading towards the checkout. We went to pick out the bookshelf. Of course the white was missing. Turned out it was out of stock. It didn't say that online or I would have had a back up plan. So naturally I was really upset. That was the whole point of the trip. I was ready to go and check out. My husband knowing how I am didn't want to leave without making sure I was happy. So we started walking over and saw a huge bookshelf on display. Similar to what I was going to buy just closed off in the back as supposed to having the shelves completely open. I liked it and passed by the bookshelf thinking that would work but read the tag wrong. I thought it was a lot more than it was so I had walked away. When my husband asked if it would work. I measured. It was actually less wide than the other bookshelf which made me happy right away. (About 4" less width). Then I looked, the bookshelf was only $69.99. A steal! Also they had white. Right away my husband didn't even hesitate he put it in our cart and we wheeled away. He always knows exactly what to do not only to make me happy. But also to diffuse a soon to be meltdown lol.
We sat in traffic going home. Naturally. When is the George Washington Bridge not packed :(. If it weren't for that it would be a 25 minute car ride. Oh P.S. We almost didn't fit the bookshelf into the car. We had to put the seats down it was so tall And we lost our car. Yes we lost the car. We were on the opposite side. My hubby swore we were on the side "M". I was yelling there wasn't an M side. We just kept wondering like in the Seinfield episode and eventually we realized there was a whole other side and we found the car. Long story short. He was right. I'll probably hear about that forever.
We went to dinner and had many cups of coffee. We were starved. We got there at 12 and didn't get home until 5pm. When we got home right away I had to try and put the bookshelf together. Three hours later I did it. All by myself other than one or two times I needed my hubby's muscles to lift the shelf. I absolutely love it! I can store so much stuff. Pictures, candles, books. It looks stylish. Chic. Grown up. Perfect for the space behind the couch. We already are planning to go next week to get the smaller version to put on the other side. It wasn't that bad to put together.
The other purchase I made was this adorable little spice rack holder for $3.99. Some cutting boards. Decorative napkins. Plants. Candles. Etc. I put the spice rack up yesterday over the sink. I just love it. The apartment is looking amazing. I am extremely proud of me and Anthony. For all we've been through. All we've done.

I am finally catching up on my work today. Food shopping tonight. How are you guys beating this heat? Do you love Ikea as much as I do??

Signing off an "Ikea Warrior" Coffee Diva


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