Cooking Videos & Thoughts..

I hope you all had a fabulous week! This was a good week for me. I really have been on top of my game. Getting up early again. More motivated for my business. Sticking to my cleaning routine. Pretty much everything. This whole COVID journey has been a big roller coaster of emotions for me. Some good. Some bad. I take the good weeks as a small victory. I do that because it hasn't been easy for me. Throughout these past 4 months I've lost a lot. I lost my father. I lot my job. I lost my whole way of life that used to exist. But I'm no stranger to loss. I've had loss in my life for a very long time. Me, loss, and grief have been the trifecta for a while. Then when the grief gets too loud. Too overbearing. I kick it out. I tell it "it's not wanted here anymore". 
I'm in that next stage of my life. It's a new chapter. I don't have any attachments anymore. No more toxic job. No prior engagements to go to. I can actually choose what I want to do now. I realize that, that in itself is a privilege now a days. I use this as motivation to work hard and choose only great things with love. Whatever my new "job" or chapter looks like. One of my many passions is cooking. It calms my anxiety. Makes me feel comforted. I've been doing lots of cooking. I decided to start recording small videos as a way to motivate all of you. To get in the kitchen and cook more. Or maybe try a new recipe. Or maybe you need something really simple because your life is hectic. My soul intention in the world is to bring love and positivity to all. 

 If you would like to see my videos, follow me on Instagram @acoffeediva 

Signing off an "Open" Coffee Diva 


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