Ikea's New VIKTIGT Collection

T.G.I.G everyone! Oh hey it's raining again wow what a shocker lol. I have been running around all morning and now I am in the process of doing loads of laundry. When I was sick the other week I guess it piled up a bit. I like to get everything done before the weekend so I can rest as well as be able to start the next week on a positive note. If you are like me and you love Ikea, I'm sure every summer you look forward to the coveted Ikea cataloge. It usually is hundreds of pages which stuns it's readers with the most beautiful styled rooms you can imagine. I get so many good ideas and inspiration from their books. I started collecting them a few years back.Even months or years after I receive the magazine I keep re-reading to get good tips on how to decorate. I continually am in awe of Ikea's ability to bring such design at an affordable price. I have my eye on so many pieces for the summer time. I really need to get overhead lighting. That's the one area I have neglected over the years. In apartments they don't really offer many overhead options. Anywhoo, here is a sneak peek at the new VIKTIGT collection from Ikea. Minimalists and modernists are going to flip out! I am in love with pretty much every piece they have. Especially their new rugs and lighting :)This collection will hit stores May 23rd so get crackin!!

Take a look and let me know what you all think. Do you guys shop at Ikea? What are your favorite pieces? Have a happy Friday all.


Signing off a "Minimalist" Coffee Diva


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