Cafe' Escapes New Flavors

Hello lovers :) It is a somewhat rainy day here in N.Y.C. I have been busy all week, including today. My sister is coming to stay with me for the weekend ( super excited) so I have been dusting and organizing all day , plus work, cleaning, and everything in between. It has definitely been a 2 coffee cup kind of day. I actually hope it rains the rest of the day. It relaxes me when I am very busy/frazzled. What are you guys sipping on today? And how is your week going ?

Green Mountain brand Cafe' Escapes ( hot chocolate & dark chocolate flavored kcups) has added two new very interesting and tempting flavors. Cafe' Vanilla & Cafe' Caramel. These look super yummy! You can buy them for $16.53 for a box set of 24. A little pricey but I guess if you don't drink everyday these could stretch a long way.It equals out to about $.68 a cup so when you think in those terms it's a good deal. Now these are not coffee. More of an alternative to when you are all coffee'd out ( is there ever such a time ? ) For me I'd be scared to try only because it might be too sweet. But maybe you can mix and match the other flavors, or add this with coffee. Could be fun and tasty. They do have 70 calories and 7 sugars but not bad for once in a while and compared to cookies or ice cream I think is a good choice. So order here, and let me know how they are a.s.a.p !

Signing off a " Vanilla " Coffee Diva


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