Bzzagent : Filippo Berio EVOO

Ok guys I know I normally am all coffee & tea but since olive oil is also food I wanted to share a great product with you guys. I want you to try out one of my favorite Olive Oils. Filippo Berio Extra Virgin Olive Oil ! I'm a bzzagent on and I received it to taste test. I gave it 5 stars out of 5. Price, taste, health quality, and versatility . You will love it, and it is so much healthy to use in place of butter and other bad fats. Olive oil is a good fat. Eating Mediterranean is the healthiest way to be. That's how I eat. Protein. Lots of fresh fruit & veggies. Good fats like olive oil, avocado's . Good carbs. Whole wheat pasta & breads.

Let me know when you guys try or if you have tried already and what you think :)


Coffee Diva


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