My first day of iced coffee of this season !

Happy Monday ! Today was very warm here in N.Y.C it went up to the 70's and as I write you into the night now, it's still upper 60's . I even have all my windows open. So I decided to treat myself to some iced coffee. I actually used the decaf timothy's Columbian that I reviewed yesterday. Added a splash of half/half, then some ice. And I was set. A refreshing, cooling treat on a warm day. Without the sugar and calories from the Starbucks fattening treats lol. I am posting a few video's on how to make iced coffee or tea with your keurig brewer in case you weren't sure. I even had an iced tea kcup with dinner. And I'm thinking of doing another decaf coffee for dessert now :)

Question of the day : Do you guys love iced coffee ? iced tea ? Both ?

Signing off an "iced coffee " diva


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