Great New invention for coffee & Tea ..

Hello all. I hope you are enjoying this gorgeous day! I did today I was out most of the day. It was in the 80's here in N.Y.C. I even changed out my old comforter/sheets to put in new brighter and more summer like colors in my bedroom. It totally brightened my day :) I also dyed my hair a very bold dark color a huge contrast from my platinum locks that were just here a day ago lol. I feel amazing like a new person !

Any who... I stumbled across this article of a product that combines science technology with modern design. A coffee bean that you put into coffee or tea that will keep it at the perfect temperature, and keep it warm for hours!! It is a little pricey at $50. But if you really love your hot drinks, and losing the heat is always an issue for you, you won't mind paying a little, to preserve your drinks and make them way more enjoyable. So check it out.
Have you guys every seen this or heard of it before ? Today was my first day seeing this...

Signing off a very "springy " coffee diva ;)


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