Happy Passover :)

Everyone who knows me knows that I am half Jewish ( well full Jewish according to the Jewish religion being that my mom is the Jewish one ) any whoo, I wanted to wish all of my family, friends and fellow coffee readers a very happy passover . I wish I had my family with me tonight but everyone is working and they don't live very close, so I just enjoyed a little dinner by myself . I always light a candle for those who aren't with me anymore . My grandma Geri, and Grandpa Sid. I miss them always, even more now that I am older .. Do any of you have passover dinners with family ? What are your fondest memories of the holidays ? The one person I always have fond memories with of course is my sister Sam. My best friend. She's my angel . She's always been there for me. We are so close and I love her more than anything in this world. I still wish I was right there sleeping in the room with her at night. But I know we all must grow up and live in the grown up world lol. But I can't help on holidays, or any day really just missing her presence. She has inspired me in so many ways, I don't think I'd be the woman I am if it wasn't for her... So Sam my dear friend if you are reading tonight.. I love you so much and I can't wait to see you this weekend ..

And just in case if you are very religious and you are wondering what to drink or eat.. here are a list of all Kosher Kcups :)

Signing off a very "Jewish coffee diva "


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