Friday Run Down 7.12.13

It's another humid and rainy day here in N.Y.C. If I had a dollar for every time I have said that this year, I could probably buy myself a small car! I hope you are all enjoying a beautiful sun filled day. Here is the Friday run down:

Craving Coffee ? Maybe something cold or frosty ? Well Seattle's Best Coffee has $1.00 off coupon on their Facebook page for their frozen coffee blends. They look so yummy. I haven't seen them at my local store yet but I will have to keep my eye out for that one :) They come in four flavors. Coffee chiller, creamy caramel, mega mocha, and very vanilla. I wouldn't even be able to choose.

Hawaii's solution to their coffee borer beetle problem. Read here from

Interested in applying for the best coffee house competition? Check out all the details here including the application process.

Looking for a cheap decoration design for your wedding ? Well then stock up on coffee filters and check out this DIY Coffee filter garland design from Martha Stewart Weddings.

Looking for a new dessert recipe? How about a coffee shortbread from " Under The Tuscan Gun " Check it out here .

New coffee review from Mchana Kenya Peaberry by Johnson Brother's Coffee.

Don't know what K-cup to choose ? I know it can be very overwhelming. There are so many. Well maybe this may help you. Here are staff picks of their favorite Kcup from Cross Country Cafe.

SALE SALE SALE SALE. Jet Fuel Extra Bold Kcups are on sale from cross country cafe. $11.99 for a 24 count. Regularly $13.75. Order here .

If you log on to facebook, and friend Vitamin Burst. You can enter for a chance to win a Keurig Platinum Brewer ( that's the one I have) as well as Vitamin Burst K-Cups, tumblers, and more! Good luck.

Have a beautiful Friday All :)

Signing off a " Coffee Diva "


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