Coffee And A Bit More..

Caio coffee readers :) I have been thinking a lot about expanding my blog. At first it started as a coffee/tea blog. All things in between. But I have so many other projects and talents I do every day that I think I should incorporate into the blog. Hopefully I will get more readers to sign up, and enjoy. As well as them sharing with me their own projects and opinions. I am really big into taking pictures, DIY projects,designing my apartment, fashion, etc. I know there are millions of apartment dwellers out their in cities all over the world. I would like to expand to those readers. I feel we share that bond together. Decorating a small space. Living in the city. All the pros and cons that come with that. Over the next few months I will still be blogging about my love that is coffee. But if you see a home project design picture or a stylish outfit I just purchased and was excited to talk about. Yes it is still the coffeediva :) It's just the other things I am in love with too....

Thank You ,

Signing off an " Inspired" Coffee Diva


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