Green Mountain Freebie Alert !!!

There is nothing better than getting a free sample in your mail to brighten your day. It's a great way to try new products, or get a surprise to lift your spirits. Also, when things are really tough , it can help out a lot. That's how I first started signing up for samples. When my husband lost his job 4 years ago and we were struggling. Anything to help did. But years later, though we are doing great , I still sign up for samples because you never know, and I love to get a surprise :). Simple things in life make me happy. And I know this one will make you coffee lovers happy. If you have facebook, like the greenmountain fan page and you can get either a free sample of bag coffee , or kcup portion pack! I signed up and got the free kcups since I have a lot of bag coffee still, and could use kcups any time!!!! Great deal, but hurry because they will go super duper fast !

Signing off a " happily sampled " coffee diva :)


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