This is my coffee drink of the day !

Hello my coffee people! Happy Tuesday ( or friday for me lol). Well I had a rough day yesterday. I know my sister, and future hubby did too. I think it's going to be a full moon soon or it already is. Isn't it so weird how at certain times of the month people act crazy! ( and i don't just mean when women get pms ! lol) . Soo, I started over fresh today and was back to my usual positive self. I feel renewed and I'm not going to let any pathetic individuals try and attack me ever again, or bring me down! This is my life to shine. 
Case in point, my treat for today my pumpkin spice kcup with whipped cream I have been talking about. I made it before. It was very yummy. I even put some cinnamon on top to make it very " coffee house ". So I wish you all a great rest of the week? What are your plans to finish out this work week? I am headed on to Staten Island , for my wedding dress fitting. I can't wait! Let me know if you guys have negative people in your life trying to ruin your wedding or otherwise. Let's share and empower each other! 

Signing off A "renewed" coffee Diva! 


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