Happy Cinco De Mayo

Happy Cinco De Mayo all. I'll  be casa de bed today lol. As you can see in my picture. I started feeling really run down about Sunday night. I figured it was just because I'm getting my period. But my body felt so weak and tired by the time yesterday rolled around I knew I was sick with a full blown cold. I usually get sick around this time when it seems mother nature just turns a switch on. Poof. Its summer. Poof allergies, pollen, ragweed oh my. I had been suffering since I ran out of my allergy pills as it was. Which ironically I purchaed on Sunday with Emergen-C. Little did i know i was getting sick. Go figure? Lol
I had really really amazing news last week. My husband was made permanent at his job and received a promotion as well. My dad made it Safe and sound out of surgery. My sister and friend both also received new jobs.
Yet here I am feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and sick. I can not say how greatful I am for my husbands promotion. We have been through the worst times ever. You never think things will get better. Or maybe they do a little but not as much as you'd like. So to have this. I'm just speechless. But when I get sick or sometimes if something big and important like this happens I act the opposite. I know its so weird. I am so thankful. Then I go into denial or shock. Then I get super scared right away. Ugh its annoying. I always have anxiety. I should be enjoying this good news. I am. I'm just emotional. And sick.
I always have a million projects I want to so as well. Paint the kitchen. Do a closet office. Fix up to the balcony. Look for a car to buy. Its a lot and I stress myself.

Do you guys get depressed when you are sick? I know its weird. But for me routine and staying busy is very important. So I think that's what it is. Saying I'm going yo stay in bed is like pulling teeth for me. Which is stupid if I'm sick I deserve to rest right?
Well I have my food. Juice. Tea. Vitamins. I have my kindle and phone. So I will be catching up on extra work. I love to watch old black and white movies. I'm very vintage ;) I should have been in the 50's era. But anywhoo, especially when I'm sick it calms me. I have the Alfred Hitchcock presents shows on Netflix so I am nice and relaxed. Instead of feeling depressed I am going to take this free time to feel very blessed for all I have in my life.

Have a margarita today for me 😆
Signing off a "sick" coffee diva


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