Wednesdays Marshalls Haul

Happy rainy Thursday all. Yes another cold dreary N.Y.C day. I have another haul to share. I know I'm in Marshalls every week. But you have to be! One day you can see something the next week it is gone. I went in for a new soap dispenser for the kitchen. My old one broke. Then I found a cute picture. Some face masks. Body shop soap. A lipstick holder. I also saw my old favorite Burberry perfume. I wanted to buy it but I was trying to be good (yeah right lol). I'll probably go back tomorrow or Saturday to scoop it up. I love going during the week now. Its so quiet and peaceful. What is on the agenda today? I keep saying I need to give myself a day to rest. My body was feeling pretty weak last night. I worked out hard during the day. I'm just getting over being sick. So today I'm trying to rest. But its hard. I have work to do. As well as never being able to sit still. If you work from home do you guys have these same issues?

P.S. I want to spray paint my Keurig white. Has anyone done this before? My husband thinks I'm nuts lol I think I'm pure artistic genius. I think the truth lies somewhere between the two ;)

Signing off a "Somewhat Resting" Coffee Diva


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