Happy 2015

Good morning. Happy New Year. I'm sure most people are probably sleeping in right now. Maybe even have a hangover. Not me. I don't drink a lot. Plus I was up at 6am for work yesterday. The best feeling was looking forward to going home to my husband. Making a nice dinner and snacks for us. In our warm cozy apartment. Followed by the watching of the ball drop with some much needed coffee. How did all of you ring in the new year? I hope it was surrounded by love. Or even if you were just alone you spent it peaceful and happy.
2014 seemed to be a very disturbing year for many. Not just personally. But on a much larger scale. The world seems to be a scary place. We need to come together and love each other more. It is sad to think where the world could be in another 50 years if we don't. I pray that it is a happy gentle more caring place. I hope that these good vibes and positive intentions reach everyone's hearts and fill them with love.
I want nothing but the best for my family. Health first always. Love a very close second. Rounding off third good fortune and luck for whatever your soul desires most. I am spending this new year off right. I enjoyed a nice breakfast early. Followed by a workout. As well as a nice purge of all things old that no longer carry any value or significance. I truly believe when you purge yourself of material things that carry no positive energy, it brings more space in for good. Ever since I was young it was always about reinventing myself. Becoming better than the day before. Many many times I've failed.Not every day has been good. But it has always been the "pursuit" that has kept me positive and motivated. Knowing I have tried. Things don't always go exactly how you plan. They rarely ever do. No one is perfect. But living a healthy life and being a good person is all I care about. Not being rich. Or what designer car I drive. I feel connected to life on a spiritual level. I am not religious. Never was. But there are forces out in this world that I have always searched to connect to. I suppose that's what we all do every day. My goals might be simple to some. Read more. Exercise. Work more hours. Finish decorating the bathroom. Blog everyday lol but they keep me happy. That's all we ever really want right? To be happy. Content. Fulfilled. I thank you all out there for reading and supporting my blog. Happy Healthy New year. May 2015 be a beautiful year in your book of life :)


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