T.G.I.F 11/7/14

Good evening all. T.G.I.F to you guys who have the weekend off. I will be working until Monday. My day was good. A little long and boring at the job. But I guess it's the calm before the storm. Was hoping for some good news from my husband who went on yet another interview god knows how many he has been on, but had no luck. I'm sad but I am hopeful. I know so many people are in his position. It just hurts he deserves to have something after all this time. But I have faith it will happen eventually! So what are your weekend plans? I am sure they involve coffee right :)

If you sign up for Member Delights here, you will be entered to win a $500 gift card. I love International Delight creamers. They are so yummy! I have many reviews on here for them.

Whole Latte Love is already posting their black Friday deals online. Their "7th" deal for black Friday is a Gaggia Accademia espresso machine. Reg $2,999 now $1,599. Order here

Tired of wasting your money at Starbucks everyday? Why not get their very own machine. The Verismo is now available on bedbathandbeyond.com for purchase. They have tons of varieties in "pods". Syrups. Pumps. Different colored machines. This looks amazing. Wish I could try this!!! Hint Hint Starbucks reps :)))

Signing off a "Tired Friday " Coffee Diva


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