Spring Forward Sunday Edition

Happy Spring Forward Day! I am an hour behind, usually in most things I do. Especially getting ready. It seems to take me ages just to get out of the house. Is that just me or do you guys feel the same way? Well I have off today (which is much needed after a very busy work week). I have already enjoyed two cups of coffee and it is time to catch up since it's been a while. It is almost Spring. Almost my birthday. Almost for a lot of things in my life. I am feeling more positive and uplifted lately. Some happier things have come about and I am proud of myself for dealing with everything. There are so many lessons to be learned in life from hard times and I can see them already. I am looking forward to warmer days. Being outside more. As well as continuing to get through the rest of this "storm" that has gone on for months. I hope you all slept well and are enjoying many quality cups of coffee.

Signing off a "Sprung forward" Coffee Diva


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