Lipton Has K- Cups !

Good Afternoon Thursday readers. It is a very sticky,humid, and rainy August day here in N.Y.C. Yuck. It makes me feel sleepy. I have been home today because a piece in my shower is broken so I had to wait for the super to finally make his way up to my apartment and fix it. I was reduced to taking a bath a few days and washing my head in the sink. That was fun(not really). Well what can you do? These are the exciting activities that grown ups have to deal with on a daily basis. I am glad to be in an apartment when things like this happen so I never have to fix anything lol.

Today on my Facebook page I saw Lipton Tea now has Tea K-Cups!! Love this idea. I drink Lipton Tea all the time. They are available to purchase on $12.39 for a 24 count pack. I think that's reasonable for K-Cups. Lipton has three flavors so far. Black Tea,Green Tea, and Iced Tea. I would love to try the black Tea K-Cups.

Have you guys purchased any Tea in K-Cup form? Do you find they taste great or better made the old fashioned way??

I tried a Green Tea K-Cup sample when I first received my mini Keurig. I thought it was good. I haven't bought any since then because of the price. It's way cheaper to buy a box at your supermarket for $3.99 and get a ton of bags as supposed to $14 just for a few K-Cups. Especially the way I drink tea. They would go so quick. That being said, again as always what wins out for Keurig is convenience. So I would like to have some on hand if I am entertaining. Why make a whole pot for one person who wants tea when you can just brew one!

Signing off A " Rainy Tea" Diva :)


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