Blackberry Z10 Review For Crowdtap & Verizon

Happy Saturday lovers. How has your week been? I hope good. Well if you are like me and you hate the Iphone at this point and the followers that shell out hundreds of dollars every month for essentially the same type of phone, then I have a great new one for you.
I was very lucky to be chosen to try the new Blackberry Z10 phone from Crowdtap & Verizon. I can't say enough about this phone. I love it. It has a nice screen that is not really huge ( like the Samsung Galaxy models) or too small like some cheaper Android models. It is right in the middle. It is pretty user friendly. I didn't even read the guide before using. You take nice pictures. You can make videos. You can video chat or take pictures either front or back which is very cool. It is fast. No lagging or freezing in the screen. The biggest seller of them all is that the Blackberry has a great battery life. I gave it to my husband as an early birthday present and he has been using it every day and loves it. All of his co-workers were converts as well.
The price at the moment is kind of high I think the phone goes for about $500. But with a contract at Verizon might be less.

So try the phone out. Take a look do some research it is great :)

Signing off a " blackberry" Coffee Diva


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