Free Coffee For Black Friday !!

So who doesn't like freebies ?? No one ! Well if you are one of the many lunatics that will be frequenting the stores on black Friday, you may need a cup of coffee. Preferably a free one since you probably spent all of your check shopping ! lol. Seattle's Best Coffee is offering free coffee on Black Friday. You can head over to their page on facebook, and like them. You can stop by any of their participating stores ( which you can locate on their facebook page) and get a 12oz free coffee. While you are on their page you can also print out a $2 off coupon. You can use that to purchase coffee as a gift, or just treat yourself :)
I am posting ahead of time so you will be aware of it, and not look at this when you get home on Friday and curse me .

So what is everyone doing for Thanksgiving ? Big dinners ? Alone ? Going out ? Today is prep day for many people. It will just be me and my husband this year for Thanksgiving. None of our families have Thanksgiving dinner's anyway. And more like just me at first since he is working. So I will cook most of the day, enjoy some holiday movies, maybe even work and do a post on here. And then at night we will celebrate together. .

Signing off a " Getting Ready " Coffee Diva ; )


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