Barista Prima Decaf Kcup !

Some coffee people think decaf is a sin. They think it's caffeine's evil twin sister. Some people will not even hear of it. I myself occasionally drink decaf coffee. And I think that decaf has come such a long way. It no longer tastes like crap! There are gourmet companies that are investing in decaf coffee, or even decaf kcups.I think they are realizing now that there is a trend of people who enjoy a decaf cup of coffee at night. Or certain times of the month they can't have any, or maybe even any time of the year they aren't allowed. So it's nice to see the companies are making it easier and better for us to drink. Some kcups I've tried that are decaf you wouldn't have even known it if I didn't tell you they were decaf.
Well now there is another great coffee company " Barista Prima " that has come out with a decaf Italian roast kcup. It is supposed to be all the boldness of their regular kcups, without the caffeine. I can not wait to try these.

What do you guys think of decaf ? Yay or Nay ?

P.S. check earlier coffee reviews and posts for the best decaf coffee you can get your hands on . Well in my opinions anyway :)

Signing off a " decaf and happy " coffee Diva


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