Big $10 kcup Sale !

Hello Coffee friends! Hope everyone is well. It is a very rainy, windy, nasty day here in the N.Y.C area. Yesterday was my day off, and it didn't go as well as I'd like. But I always start fresh and renewed the next day. Can't let myself stay negative long. Well here is a great sale to start the week off or end depending on your schedule :)
Log on to to get their $10 mega sale. They have newman's own decaf, Tully's Extra Bold house blend, and more. So check it out. It's a really good deal. You get 24 kcups. (Only thing is shipping unless you spend $75 or more).

What is the weather like in your area? Is it looking like fall ? And are you looking forward to all the beautiful holidays coming up ? This is my favorite time of year...

Signing off a " rainy " coffee DiVa


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