New coffee pages, and holiday questions ?????.....

A new page I stumbled upon on face book is called " Daily Shot of Coffee" . It has funny posts, great tips on coffee, and really good contests. Here is the link. Like them and you never know what you might win !!

So what is everyone drinking for the Holidays ? Do you serve specialty coffee's around the holidays ?? Or are you more a hot chocolate kind of person ? Me and my hubby Like a bit of both. With the Keurig coffee brewer you can literally do anything. We just upgrading to the big Platinum edition brewer. It is fabulous and looks it too...

My two cups of the day were 8 o clock coffee french roast with pumpkin pie spice creamer.
My second cup of coffee was Starbucks natural infusions caramel/ with half and half.
They were both quite yummy, I liked the Starbucks better...

Well hoping to get to 2,000 viewers soon so keep reading, commenting, and signing up to follow me thanks :)

Signing off a Mrs. Coffee Diva !


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