Loving June? Not so much !

I don't know June just seemed to be a really stressful, really hectic month for me. I was really looking forward to the summer, having a great time, celebrating the up coming wedding. But it seems to be the complete opposite. Extra bills. Doctor appointments. Stress. Apartment obligations , etc. I want to enjoy my time (which is now) But I'm struggling. So many things on my mind. So many things to do. Anthony works the late shift so , a lot of things are always put off because he never has any time in the day to do them. Which I hate. Procrastination is not my thing lol. . I am going to see my mom and sis in S.I for two weeks in July. My sister is graduation medical and billing class (which i'm super duper proud of her) so at least I'll have some sort of vacation then. My dad is also having another hip surgery so I will be seeing him. So I think that will really help me. When I am having a hard time it's hard to not see my family. . Well I can't wait for this month to end this Wednesday, and hopeful July will be much better, and more positive. I will try my best to make it that way.
My coffee for the day is Newman's own organic extra bold special blend. The first time I tried this kcup I absolutely loved it. The coffee says it's extra bold ( which it is) but not in the bitter after taste kind of way you usually get with an extra bold type of coffee. It is so good that today I didn't even use any sugar. Just some half and half. It's just a great every day coffee. I really want to try a lot different kcups for newman's own now that I know I really like one of their Kcups. I can imagine the other flavors and varieties. I think this was my last one, because I have this one so many times. Even my fiancée' Anthony loves this one. And he doesn't really even like strong coffee! So 1 to 5 cups of coffee I give it a definite 5 cup rating! If you don't have the keurig brewer like I do, the company does make every blend in ground coffee as well as whole beans! I love that it's organic and supports the farmers and fair trade as well. So try it out today. Stay cool, hang in there with me, all things have to change no matter what right. So let's look forward to the good change this week ! Happy Monday you definitely need an extra bold coffee on Mondays lol...

Signing off. A coffee Diva


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