57 Health Benefits of Going Vegan Happy hump day all! I have always been on a diet, gimic, or way of life ever since I can remember. I always felt bigger even when I was younger. I look back and think I was just a normal size. Not fat. Not skinny. Normal. I wish someone taught me self love to save me lots of money in dieting and self analysis. I have always been that girl on the quest for higher knowledge. Healthy mind. Healthy body. I will always be the one to do yoga or read the self help book. I'm okay with that. I love that about myself. I'm always transforming into something new. I love change. Every time I do transform a bit. I feel myself becoming better and better. As if I'm molding myself into the woman I always envisioned myself to be. Fast forward 20 years later... I decided to do whole30 about a few months back. I think the end of January. It was an amazing journey that led to going down a size in pants. Clearing my skin. Respecting my body more. But the best...